How Long Should I Let My Cigar ‘Rest’ Before Smoking It? - Cigar 101

4 years ago

We've talked in the past about letting a cigar acclimate to its surrounding condition before you smoke it - but this email from Sal in Fairfield, Texas took it up a notch: “My coolidor is at 66 degrees and 69% humidity. When I take a cigar out, I’m assuming it’s going to act like a can of soda out of the fridge and get wet with condensation. Smoke it or not smoke it is the question. Some cigars I smoke right away and they’re fine. Others are like smoking a wet washcloth. Any advice?” Environment is everything- but while Sal seems to be focused on teperature, it's just as important to consider the humidity level inside your cigar. Check out Jared's answer in this quick video...

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