May Day 2010 Prayer Meeting

2 years ago

“May Day, May Day” is a well known cry of distress and outcry for assistance. On Saturday, May 1, thousands from across America joined together in a humble prayer of repentance before Almighty God. The Lincoln Memorial was the sight of the prayer meeting called “May Day 2010”, but the eight hour event was carried live around the world via God TV and the American Family Association.

Pastor Coordinator Paul Blair, from Reclaiming America for Christ and the pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond said, “We had churches joining us from as far away as Alaska and Guam in this worldwide prayer meeting. Early Saturday morning, we received an e-mail from a person in France who was excited to join with us and pray for America!”

Christian leaders from around the country prayed and repented for kicking God out of the seven mountains of our culture: the home, the church, the government, the media, arts & entertainment, education, and business. In addition, representatives from all fifty states were on hand to read excerpts from their respective state constitutions that acknowledge God and then they were invited to pray on behalf of their states.

The event began at sunrise with music from Sonic Flood and concluded at 2 PM. May Day 2010 chief organizer Janet Porter from Faith 2 Action said, “This is only the beginning. We need another Great Awakening. May that awakening begin with us as we stand here in our nation’s Capitol.”

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