Oddly Satisfying Video | Relaxation Therapy | satisfying fruits

2 years ago

Oddly Satisfying Video | Relaxation Therapy | Satisfying Fruits

The psychology behind Oddly Satisfying videos

Oddly Satisfying videos are everywhere, and scientists and professors are catching on. Several have set out to determine the scientific reason these videos elicit autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), a tingling sensation on the skin that causes positive emotions.

According to Professor Robert Colombo, watching Oddly Satisfying videos or ASMR videos cause the release of chemicals in the brain that bring about happiness and positivity – namely, serotonin and dopamine.

These are the same neurotransmitters that fire when humans eat sugar, have sex, or get a notification on their phones.

In fact, “there have been numerous reports that watching oddly satisfying videos help make people feel relaxed and calm,” according to Sabrina Faramarzi at Wired.

A study conducted at Swansea University that surveyed ASMR enthusiasts concluded that a vast majority of them reported watching ASMR videos to relax, destress, and get a better night’s sleep.

But why do these videos make us feel relaxed? Dr. Anita Deak of the University of Pecs attributes this to the ‘mirror neuron theory,’ which holds that watching someone perform an action elicits the same neurological response as performing that action ourselves.

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