BREAKING INTERVIEW: Six Month Old Denied Life Saving Heart Transplant Due to Vaccination Status

2 years ago

BREAKING INTERVIEW: Six Month Old Denied Life Saving Heart Transplant Due to Vaccination Status

June 24, 2022

Children's Health Defense

A message from mother, Hannah Stoll, pleading for the life of Baby August.

Tennessee Stands reports a 7-month-old baby boy has been denied life-saving surgery because he isn't vaccinated. Both Vanderbilt and TN Donor Services have allegedly denied the baby August surgery due to his vaccination status, which is legal to do in Tennessee. KWAM will keep you updated on the latest developments. Tennessee Stands Executive Director and State Senate candidate Gary Humble joined "Wake Up Memphis" to provide background to this story as well as a call to contact decision makers to help this child.

Very long story short, the transplant team (specifically Dr. David Bearl) gave us an ultimatum that if we did not give August a series of vaccines, he would keep him off the transplant list. He specifically used the phrase, "I am mandating," about 8 times during our first conversation about this.

The second conversation, I reasoned and debated with him over the insanity of giving my baby vaccines with a huge risk of a negative outcome, on a severely immunosuppressed child on their death bed. He continued to refuse. I asked him if this was legal. He said no. I asked if this was policy. He said no.

Our third conversation (this morning), he came and asked me if I had any more questions. I asked if he changed his mind. He said no.

So here we are. I firmly believe with absolute confidence that it is despicable, unethical, heartless, and disgusting to withhold a heart from a 6-month-old baby over this. I believe loading his body on these [vaccines] will kill him. I believe it is within my rights as a parent to choose this for him. I believe that this doctor holding this over us is motivated by ego.

As his parents, we have a responsibility to protect our son at all costs. He is dying, and time is of the essence.

We want to be clear that we have no issue with any other of the Vanderbilt cardiology team. They have been wonderful to us and our son. It is specifically the pediatric transplant team that is stopping August from getting a heart.

Listening is an act of love and no one knows this better than the Children's Health Defense Team. Join Stephanie Loccricchio in getting to the heart of the matter as she invites those who have been profoundly impacted by vaccine injury, medical mandates, censorship and social injustice to share their stories and experiences.


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