4 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches today. 09/19/20.


VERSES: Genesis 15&17; Hebrews 11:8-16; Revelation 21:3-7,22:2; Matthew 5:26



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In Chapter 4, Paul has been using quotes from Genesis Chapters 15 & 17 to teach on Abraham’s Covenants and on his faith. He continues in verse 13…
(VERSE 13)“For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his (circumcised) seed, (to be obtained) through the law, but through the righteousness of faith” (that type of faith in God being exampled by Abraham; the father of faith). The following is a grand statement from Karl Barth concerning that kind of faith which we, as humans, owe to God: “….in that where there is no faith, God is deprived of His honor: He ceases to be accounted among us wise and just and faithful and true and merciful. Where there is no faith, God retains neither His divinity nor His majesty (in our lives). Therefore, everything (relating to our inheritance) hangs upon our faith. Our Lord God requires of us no more than that we should render the honour due unto Him and that we should take Him for our God; that is, that we should not take Him for a vain and empty idol, but for the true and veritable God…The competence to give Him such honor from the heart is assuredly wisdom beyond all wisdom, righteousness beyond all righteousness, worship beyond all worship, sacrifice beyond all sacrifice. He who thus believes and confides in God’s Word, as Abraham did, is righteous before Him; for he possesses the faith which renders unto God the honour due to Him; that is he gives Him what he owes Him and what he is bound to give Him.”

(VERSE 14) For if they which are (doers) of the (circumcision and Mosaic) law be heirs (of the World), faith is (then) made void, and the promise (is) made of none effect (the seed of Abraham having not ‘continuing’ faith in patience outside of doing the law, so then the promise of their personal inheritance of the World is made void)…
(VERSE 15) Because (being subject to) the law (without faith) worketh wrath (because of its binding curse on those who do not keep it entirely): for (or so) where no law is (that being only where faith in God is), there is no (imputed disqualifying) transgression.
(VERSE 16) Therefore it (the inheritance of the World) is of faith (in the bare, unqualified, preposterous Word of God; thereby giving Him His due), that it might be by grace (of His Divinity and Majesty alone, in the provision of gracious power unto justification; in undeserved, unmerited favor. This being the exhibition of this first provision of power {the first level of justification/minor provision in the Salvation Plan of God} which is in the saving event of being born again when God grants the divine nature within our spirit. This happens by merely believing what God promised but then afterwards in the further provision of grace; there is the divine influence of power upon the heart. This is the major grace in the second part of the Salvation Plan of God whereby we continue in the process of sanctification, and go from faith to faith, by yielding the will in obedient action to His Word.); to the end the promise (of inheritance of the World) might be sure to all the (faith-guided) seed; not to that only which is of the law (that is to say Jews who were given the law but were justified by faith), but to that (seed) also which is of the (same type) faith of Abraham (but uncircumcised, and not of his physical progeny); who is the father (through exampling faith in God) of us all (Jews and Gentiles).
(VERSE 17) As it is written (Genesis 17:5), I have (past tense and before Abraham’s covenant of circumcision) made thee a father of many nations (not just the one circumcised), before him whom he believed, even God, who (said He would) quickeneth the dead (as in the quickening of Abraham’s regenerative abilities and the dead womb of Sarah), and calleth those things which be not (many nations from them) as though they were.
(VERSE 18) Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken (by God), “So shall thy seed be.”
(VERSE 19) And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb:
(VERSE 20) He staggered not at the (laughable) promise of God (as it relates to his seeds being heirs) through unbelief (he choked doubt to death); but....


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