Material Management | Matthew 6:19-34 | Gary Hamrick

4 years ago

How are Christians supposed to be responsible for the material aspects of life without the need for material things becoming a greed for material things? The material is certainly not sinful; it’s needful. But how much is enough? And how can we use what God has given us to make an eternal difference in the lives of people? These are questions Pastor Gary answers from the counsel Jesus gives us in the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 6. Join us for today’s study on “Material Management”.

0:00 - Welcome
0:41 - Introduction
12:25 - 1. Use What God has given you now to invest in Kingdom work that impacts people for eternity.
18:14 - 2. See God as generous and be generous too.
22:28 - 3. Serve God as the only true Master
30:48 - 4. Seek First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and God will take care of you.

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