Matthew 15

2 years ago

June 24, 2022 study of Matthew 15
Please join us as we continue in studies our the book of Matthew. This week we explore Matthew chapter 15. In this week’s study we begin by talking about yet another confrontation between the Pharisees and Jesus - this time over unwashed hands- but did Jesus really mean to make ALL foods clean? We then look at a Gentile woman who isn’t willing to be offended and is rewarded for her great faith, we also look at the second miraculous feeding of the 4000 and why this might have been the last miraculous feeding recorded.

In the after study discussion we talk about why perhaps there were baskets of leftovers from the miraculous feeding of the 4000 and my nephew gets a visit from the Mormons so we also discuss other faiths and why Jesus is the only way! There is a link below for anyone who wants to join us live and if you can’t join us live but would like to leave a comment or question about one of these studies, leave me a comment below this video and I will answer it next week on the next video.

If anyone is interested in joining the discussion with our group live on Friday night’s via zoom, this link below should work, as long as I don’t have any technical problems beyond my control. Our study begins at 7pm USA East coast time/6pm Central time every Friday night. Of course by participating live you may appear on next week’s video!

Click to join a Zoom meeting

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