Is Capitalism Natural: Viki 1999 Debunked

4 years ago

Is capitalism natural? The answer to this question pertains to the question relating to human nature, in short, yes, capitalism is natural. @Viki 1999 makes the huge assumption that because human life existed for thousands of years before the industrial revolution and was often tribalistic and because collectivism dominated the planet for millennia's, this somehow means that this is how nature is supposed to be regarding human beings.

She also makes the bold assumption that capitalism began in the 1770s, which is ignoring the fact capitalism derives from its origins of meritocracy, dating back to the first days of barter. The argument of individualism and collectivism dates back to the days of Aristotle and Plato.

What we saw for centuries was endless wars throughout most of human history, as well as the starvation and extreme poverty thanks to the collectivism that dominated the planet. Much like how people today view pirates from a romanticised version they see in Disney films, they don't realise that the real world prior to the industrial revolution was horrible.

Whilst these same people are very quick to speak down about the awful living conditions and how poor people were living during the industrial revolution, this is one of the biggest contradictions they could make given the fact the living conditions during the 19th century were "better off" than where people came from living in before that period of history.

It's all well staring at a still picture or even a drawing depicting the life of people through the scope of our living conditions today and romanticising people working collectively, but the harsh reality says otherwise when you learn about the periodical famines the entire world faced for centuries, as well as the common malnutrition diseases, the short life expectancy and harsh living conditions they lived.

Even if we look at Viki's argument, living conditions aside, it's an erroneous argument to claim that human nature is naturally collectivist, the evidence of the centuries of war where thousands lost their lives proves otherwise. Before individualism came to rise by the late 18th century, how people largely obtained wealth prior to that period was through exactly what the Vikings did, by plunder as much blood was spilled. It wasn't until the idea of free trade set the stage that we would eventually see a better and moralistic system replace that and that was the development of capitalism overtaking from where we came from of the old world.

Also, individualism is something grossly misunderstood, Viki fails to comprehend that individualism doesn't mean every man for himself, nor does it mean people can't work collectively, it simply means that the individual is the chooser of his or her own destiny, of his or her own economic life and finances; if someone wishes to go and work in a collective group with others, that is their own free choice as individuals.

Therefore, when speaking about capitalism, capitalism is harmonious because it is based on voluntary action, the ability to freely do business, to exchange freely in the market without coercion. Although violence and immorality exist in human nature, it is not regarded as something moralistic or favoured by human nature.

Every regime that turned away from capitalism on the road to collectivism proved this as people showed their own self-interest to escape the likes of Cuba for the shores of Florida, they dared risk their life for better. Self-interest is part of human nature, it is NOT something we are indoctrinated with, to think human beings can be molded to a stage where we're all the same is the most DANGEROUS argument one could make and it was exactly that argument that resulted in the deaths of countless millions of people in the 20th century in the guise of their plans to create the 'new man.'

It is also important to note that helping one another being providers isn't something solely confined to collectivism, it's part of human nature, therefore, relative to individualism. Again, individualism doesn't mean folk simply go off on their own path and ignore other people, it's why strong charitable operations exist in a capitalist system.

What resulted in the soaring inflationary problems, the expensive private sector costs, the decline of the size of the nuclear family, and destruction of the community spirit was all to blame on socialism, largely from that of the welfare state. What Viki proves, she doesn't understand the first thing about prices and what determines the laws of supply and demand.

I debunked her arguments in the following sources:

• Capitalism is Innovative:

• Why the Free Market is Efficient:

• The Economic Calculation Problem:

Discord Libertarian Views Scotty M Server:

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