New Years Eve Super Metroid Speed Run! 2020 Dumpster fire live stream!

4 years ago

Hey! Its me, Jackolope! I play through this game every year on New Years Eve. I use it to have good luck for the new year! I have kind of jokingly used it to gage what kind of year I will have next. Last year I didn't use the original cartridge.. I used an emulator. Now, I don't want to take all the responsibility for 2020... but I did break tradition. I'll be using my classic SNES cartridge in a Supa Retron HD!

I am in no way an expert at this game nor do I claim to be. Its just my favorite game of all time and I enjoy going through it. Now, with the magic of a capture card I can share it with friends and re-watch my failures and laugh at a later date. lol

Cheers all! Happy New Year!

#Metroid #2021 #WrongShow

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