David vs Goliath - JESUS vs Gog - The Redeemer will take away the reproach PART 5

2 years ago

Part 5 looks closely at Ezekiel 21 and how it talks about both phases of the coming day of the Lord. I'll show you the matches to Daniel 8 and Daniel 11. We look at what is the 6th Seal My sword against Israel in verses 1 thru 27 and how we switch to the 7th Bowl consuming sword in verse 28. We also look at how you can prove that all of Ezekiel 21 is future!. Most of this series is on phase 2 of the day of the Lord but this chapter covers both phases to give you proper context.
Here is the link to my share page at KeepandShare.com where you will have access to over 800 short studies on the last days. All are free: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/show.php?i=2617550&sh=n

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