'Covid-19' Payback BEGINS! 'College Of Physicians' 'Canada' is Fighting Back! JUNE, 24 2022

2 years ago

'Covid-19' Payback BEGINS In 'Canada' College Of Physicians' 'Vancouver' 'BC'. Holding Elites Accountable! JUNE, 24 2022

College Of Physicians Vancouver - Holding Them Accountable At Their Front Door - VANCOUVER B.C. JUNE,24 2022

vaccines. Not a virus but rather a synthetic venom poison being spread specifically at various times in various locations with numerous different sickness effects

Once injected with the "vaccines" there is much blood clotting, macro and micro, the body to become a venom like spike protein factory. The mrna and graphene oxide nano particles delivery system cause more permanent damage – dna alteration – possible mind control and so on. The immune system is helpless against the injected venom neurotoxins, graphene oxide nano particles and mrna. The immune system is breaking down after toxic synthetic venom shots. Symptoms of Covid and the vaccines are identical to venom poisoning (see the science on the covid and vaccine enzymes, peptides and and so on being homologous or identical to snake venom). The Italian study "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from Covid-19 patients" is very strong evidence. The synthetic venomous spike protein is a neurotoxic bioweapon targeting all with underlying health issues and the genetically predisposed

Covid-19, Payback, Canada, College Of Physicians, Vancouver, - Holding Them Accountable, VANCOUVER B.C, JUNE,24 2022, COVID-19 Nurses, Nurses speak out, Rates Of COVID Vaccine Injuries, The Vaccinated, Population, The Boosted Population, COVID Boosters, COVID Studies, COVID Results, Vaccination Results, COVID studies, Nurse, COVID 19 Nurses Speaks Out
Dr. Ardis Show, Medical Lies, Dr. Anthony Fauci, The NIH, Riccardo Bosi, Doctors, Bryan Ardis Interview, Show, Vaccine Parasites, Parasites In Vaccines, COVID Jab Parasites, VACCINE INJURIES, VACCINE EFFECTS, EGGS IN VACCINES, VACCINE STUDIES, IN THE VACCINES, PANDEMIC FOOTAGE, EGGS HATCHING INSIDE VACCINES, COVID,

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