Q&A: "The Pyramid Code" (part 2)

4 years ago

In this video, I answer the second part of the many questions that I've been asked in regards to "The Pyramid Code". Feel free to ask more questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them all when I can :)

1. What do we do with the code once we receive it?
2. Does the activation of the code promote anti-aging/reverse aging within the body?
3. Do you have remembrance of the role you played as the high priest in ancient Egypt?
4. What is the Baraka process?
5. How could it be that “Fatasol” were pedophiles if they were the Sons of God?
6. Do beings from other dimensions or planets have souls?
7. Did the aliens that travel to Earth because their planets were destroyed have elongated skulls?
8. Do aliens look like they do in star war movies? Where do shapeshifters come in?

Download "The Pyramid Code" here: https://www.jasonshurka.com/thepyramidcode

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