Special Service - Awake, Awake

2 years ago

Special Service - Awake, Awake
Dr. Hansen gives testimony of the prophetic paths that brought he and his second, and current, wife together - Corruption throughout U.S. politics is working to tear down the republic of America - Secret societies are named that are working to overthrow America - Testimony of Rev. Adalia Hansen administered prayer for a crippled woman and her legs grew to be normal length - Dr. Hansen's testimony of repenting of unforgiveness and his ministry activated after his confession - There are Holy Heavenly witnesses at every meeting - International bankers are working as a criminal syndicate to tear down national sovereignties and to enslave all of mankind by a limited 'Elite' - Dr. Hansen's office manager healed by God of an aneurism, brain surgery not needed - A visiting angel ministered healing from tumors in Rev. Adalia's uterus through a blue and white lightning bolt - We need to get Pentecost back into the lives of believers - Only the church can stop what's going on today - Many leaders are concerned of a nuclear conflict and an invasion of America - You are going through a season that has an end - Make the most of your God-given opportunities by making wise use of your time - Change can be scary but if we don't move into the next season, we die - Release everybody that has wronged you and love Jesus with all your heart to come into your rest - The word to preach at this time is righteousness and death to self - God doesn't see color of skin or gender, but His children he loves - Sister Adalia Hansen ministers intercessory prayer over a child with divine call and commissions her mother as the priest/intercessor over her daughter and family - Rev. Adalia ministers Holy Spirit Fire baptism upon women in attendance
2022-07-01 (Radio Air Date)

World Ministries International
Dr. Jonathan Hansen - Founder & President
Rev. Adalia Hansen

(360) 629-5248

P.O. Box 277
Stanwood, WA 98292


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