Wing Chun Iron Pole Work Out

2 years ago

*Originally uploaded elsewhere between 2012 and 2016. This content was inherited with the purchase and merger with Red Light Wing Chun. I do not have exact dates for when this content was created and posted. This was our first professional location: 316 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85003. My kung Fu Brother, Sifu Nick Edmonds is the teacher in these videos. Videos may not reflect current opinions and practices. Posted for the preservation of lineage history.*

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• Music: Mavi Sepet
Album: Demolar 20007-2008
Artist: Hayvanlar Alemi
Used under Creative Commons License 3.0

• Additional Music by: Sol Daddy - Creator Owned, George Demosthenes III (Dr. Jamsalot and Armor Klass) - used with direct permission, Hemoptysis - used with written permission from the band, Kevin MacLeod - Creative Commons 3, Alexander Nakarada - Creative Commons with attribution, and other Public Domain or Creative Commons 0 Music and Sound Effects. Links for respective attributions in the link tree.

DANGER: Try these exercises at YOUR OWN RISK. Weight and Leverage will easily rip up your shoulders and back if done incorrectly. Additional risks are also involved.

When I started the 9ft Dragon Pole, it was awkward and heavy for me in comparison to smaller lighter wax wood staffs I was used to previously. I developed exercises using an 8 ft, 33lb steel rod to rapidly acclimate myself to using the teak ones. Tape lines mark my grip width for when I have to choke up on the pole. Practice with a heavy pole encourages whole body coordination, grip and shoulder strengthening, and core development. These drills are a lot like some Mace Club work but tweaked specifically for Dragon Pole techniques. Moderate weight and leverage combine to create high strain for the muscles and tendons. If you choose to try these know injuries are easy to come by.

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