Liberty Monks Election Alert! - Dr. Mark Sherwood

2 years ago

Oklahoma gubernatorial candidate Dr. Mark Sherwood explains in detail his plan to secure schools, protect unborn children and return Oklahoma to prosperity.

Dr. Mark Sherwood was born in Tulsa and raised in nearby Berryhill. His time was spent in law enforcement serving as a SWAT TEAM MEMBER for 10 years as well as serving at the Functional Medical Institute helping thousands of patients.

Dr. Mark is about leadership and not politics. He believes that we must save our states, so that we can save our country from the Marxist strategy to destroy families, silence the church and push for a totalitarian regime.

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Show Notes:

In critical times such as these, the need for strong and bold leadership - instead of self-serving politics - is crucial. Dr. Mark has risen to the task of filling this void in the governor's office. He is running to challenge and replace Kevin Stitt, and provide Oklahoma with the proactive leader it needs. The Oklahoma governor's office must be willing to face controversial issues head on. Unfortunately, Stitt has not demonstrated a willingness to be that leader. It is no longer enough to be a moderate conservative, focusing on business and economics. Our children are being taught to hate people based solely on the color of their skin. Our hospitals are enforcing medical protocols that are killing people who otherwise could recover, and legal abortions are claiming 10,000 lives each year in Oklahoma alone. The Sherwoods have co-authored three Amazon #1 best-selling books together: The Quest for Wellness, Fork Your Diet, and Surviving the Garden of Eatin’. They have been seen on national TV, been quoted on CNN, featured on CBN, and are regular contributors of many national publications. Their full-length movie, Fork Your Diet, has over 15 million minutes viewed in the US and UK. Their second motion picture, The Prayer List, was just released worldwide. Their most recent film, WWJR, is set for release Easter 2022. Dr. Mark Sherwood is about LEADERSHIP and NOT POLITICS. He believes in Oklahoma first policies and a secure and self-sustaining state. Not a state that is cripplingly dependent on an ever more oppressive and bloated federal government. Oklahoma needs a leader who is willing to face controversy head on. Let it not be said that we were silent as Oklahoma and America crumbled. Let it not be said that we stood by and did nothing, turning our attention away from the battle to the easy economic issues, and reacting only with press releases and political games.​Dr. Mark Sherwood will not be silent. He is ready to LEAD Oklahoma.

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