4 years ago

Jacquelyn McMiller’s life has been one of service, justice and leadership. Her experience as a stenographer in the courts gave her insight into the deeply entrenched racial bias of the system. As an Investigative Field Supervisor for the Florida Department of Children and Families, she saw firsthand the impacts of cuts to Head Start, the Stars Complex, the Quality Life Center, athletic leagues and other programs designed to support at-risk youth. In her time as Branch Secretary of the Lee County N.A.A.C.P., Jacquelyn witnessed the corruption in the city’s procurement and permitting process as well as the generous concessions for developers at the cost of local programs and support services. The focus of her agenda will be to address the inequities by enforcing development and impact fees, cut concessions to out of area interests, and deep institutional changes as it relates to funding for all of the city’s services, including its police force.
As a Fort Myers native, she has seen the impacts of outside interests profiting from the people of the city and the subsequent corruption, graft and criminal activity that increased. The proliferation of criminal activity in the Fort Myers Police Department has led to DOJ and FBI to open investigations into the department. As the City’s first mayor of color Jacqui will work to rebuild the broken Citizens Police Review Board, redirecting investment into communities left behind by urban sprawl, joining the Worlds Mayors Council on Climate Change and rooting out corruption in the city’s purchasing and procurement.

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