Taran Tactical Sand Viper Review (ALL NEW Taran Tactical 2011 Review And GIVEAWAY!)

2 years ago

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Taran Tactical Sand Viper Review (ALL NEW Taran Tactical 2011 Review And GIVEAWAY!)

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Welcome to Firearms of America! Today, I have a very special review for you guys, because this is not just a review, but also an awesome giveaway. This is an fantastic piece from Taran Tactical Innovations called Sand Viper.

As usual, let's start with this Taran Tactical Sand Viper specs:
Chambered in 9mm
5 Inch Large Single Port Compensator With DLC Coated Match Grade Barrel
Precision Optic Cut for Trijicon RMR/SRO (Ultra Low)
Coyote Bronze DLC Coating on Frame and High Polished Slide
Extreme Engineering Fire Control Group (Lite Speed Hammer, Ultra Low Mass Sear, Match Disconnector and Titanium Hammer Strut)
Aftec Extractor
Oversized Magwell
Extended Slide Release & Extended Checkered Mag release
1.75-2.25 LBS trigger pull
Stainless Steel Guide Rod
Ultimate Ergonomic Beavertail and Safety Fit
Ambidextrous Blended Safety
Accessory Rail Cut
DLC Coated Steel Checkered Mainspring Housing
-Extended Firing Pin
TTI Grip Job
Built in Bladed Stand-Off (Fangs)
Includes one 126mm (17rd), one 140mm (22rd) and one 170mm (28rd)

So, overall, I love this TTI Sand Viper, what a machine! It handles the recoil unbelievably well and yet, has a butter-smooth slide. If you are a fan of 2011 platform, you will really like this 9mm 2011 pistol, although I have to say, it is nothing like any other 2011s that I reviewed.

The trigger on this TTI Sand Viper 2011 is light and crisp. The grip is TTI hand stippled for an ultimate aggression. Overall, I could see this in a combat or a competition. I am speculating quite a lot here, but I suspect that this Taran Tactical Sand Viper 2011 might end up amongst John Wick 4 guns.

So, what do you guys think about this TTI Sand Viper review? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for watching! God bless!

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