4 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches today. 09/26/20.


VERSES: 1st Peter 1:9; Hebrews 7:25,12:28; Luke 21:36; Revelation 14:9-13



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Verse 1 “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…” Being justified by faith alone, God imputes to us a righteousness that grants us a right-standing with Him. Paul, having declared our having been justified by faith as being a past tense event, now begins to outline the present and future effects of God’s great work.

Verse 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God (in the resurrection).”

Within these two verses we find the summary of the progressiveness of the “Gospel of God” (wherein we are following in the steps of Abraham; Romans 4:12). The first step being Justification, the 2nd step sanctification, and 3rd step glorification of our souls. Justification by faith grants us eternal peace with God. Justification establishes Christ Jesus as the LORD/Master/King…Who is to instruct us in sanctification into the resurrection inheritance of the glory of God. Our first step of justifying faith, like Abraham’s, continues to be tested and refined through obedience to our (new) Lord in the 2nd step. For this refining process of sanctification, the Lord has also made Atonement; that we might access the provision of grace on the standing of justification; unto faith’s goal; sanctification in the hope of the glorification of God. (Romans 8:30, 1st Peter 1:9… “Receiving the end (goal) of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.”)

The results of justifying faith in the believer shown here in these two verses are:
• Eternal Peace with God through our believing He raised Jesus Christ from the dead for our offenses.
• Access to God by continuing faith unto further grace for obedient service as Jesus is now our Lord.
• ‘hope’ (elpís; gen. elpídos, fem. noun. Hope, desire of some good with expectation of obtaining it) of glory. We have a hope of obtaining Kingdom Inheritance in the First Resurrection. This is what Abraham attained unto, which was validated by Christ in Matthew 8:11. He did it by faith and grace, who against hope believed in hope, being strong in faith, and being now fully persuaded, he was willing to sacrifice his son. And therefore this great faith brought to him the additional greater imputation of righteousness that answers to faithful obedience to God beyond merely believing. The contrasting of which we have previously spoken and which has Romans 1:16-17 in view. (Going from faith to faith is like going from believing on Him onto believing IN Him/following Him.)

Faith has been the subject to this point of Romans, and now hope is laid beside it
in the “hope of the glory of God.” It is critical to understand that the hope here referred to is not for justification; for through faith we have obtained the grace wherein we now stand; for we are in possession of it now, and we do not hope for what we have already been gifted. And Justification’s secured results of peace and access to God are that we might additionally, through faith (which is the ground of things hoped for, but not yet seen) and hope thereby draw upon/hold fast the grace (the power of the divine influence upon the heart Hebrews 12:28) in obtaining worthiness. That is to say, sanctification unto glorification; that (conditional) promise of a new glory-filled nature fit for the future heavenly inheritance. (This promise of glory-infilling is the reward for the one who has yielded to God unto the salvation of his soul/fulfilled the call of God on their life.)

VERSES 3-5 Peace with God brings war with satan and his seed. (His seed being the demonic and even people in this World. He has a lot of seed in many powerful places/positions). The World and its nature are at enmity with God and the sincere justified seeker of Godliness and righteousness. The worldly are all about the seen (temporary), the Godly and righteous are all about the unseen (eternal). If you knew your enemy was coming, you’d be on watch, and not be asleep. The modern-day grace message and its lying vanities have lulled many to sleep. We need to be in the discipline of watching and praying in expectation of war, but we also need to be aware of the enemy’s tactics. He tries to get us into either despair or presumptuousness. Both can keep us from pursuing spiritual growth.

We have access to God as we are led out from under the Law. For the Law had shut the way unto God, in that the Law...........


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