Lord's Day Worship from Bethany ARP Church, September 27, 2020

4 years ago

The Lord's Day September 27, 2020
Prelude Let Us Praise God Together
Welcome and Announcements
Silent Prayer
Call to Worship Acts 26:16-18
*Bible Song "A Morning Supplication" No. 299, v.1-3
*Invocation and the Lord's Prayer
*Scripture Reading 2 Samuel 13:14-22
*Bible Song "Harden Not Your Heart" No. 222, v.1-3
Pastoral Prayer
*Sermon Text Ephesians 1:7-10
Sermon The Riches of His Grace
*Hymn "My Jesus, I Love Thee" No. 648 v.1-3
*Benediction Daniel 4:34-35
*Postlude My Jesus, I Love Thee

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