Peacock and Pig Cemetery Sculpture

4 years ago

On Mr. Peacock & Mrs. Peacock’s latest adventure, they show a hidden treasure of a Peacock & Pig cemetery sculpture/monument in Harlan, Iowa commission by Mr. Peacock and Mrs. Peacock.

Mr. Peacock was inspired by his wife Mrs. Peacock who wanted a pig on her tombstone and he then decided he wanted to have a peacock sculpture on his tombstone.

The pig & peacock cemetery sculpture is the only one ever made and is one of a kind in the state of Iowa and possibly the USA. The tombstone/monument/sculpture was commission by Mr. & Mrs Peacock to have the peacock & pig sculpture monument look like one of their photos of their peacocks standing on a stump along with a photo of their pet, Charlie the pig. The peacock was carved out of granet by a very talented stone sculpturer in China.

Since the sculpture of the peacock is so beautifully done, Mr. Peacock thinks it will become a tourist attraction among many other famous cemetery monuments already in place in the state of Iowa and USA.
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