Was Peter Mark's Source for the Gospel of Mark?

4 years ago

Church tradition states that the Gospel of Mark is based on what Mark remembered Peter reporting. However, many scholars doubt this claim. What do the data suggest and what do most of today's scholars think about this matter? Join Mike Licona and Josh Pelletier as they discuss the possibility of Petrine recollections in Mark's Gospel.

Josh Pelletier is a former student of Mike's at Houston Baptist University. Mike served as Josh's supervisor for his thesis, which included the matters of when Mark's Gospel was composed, the authorship of Mark, and whether there is a connection between Mark's Gospel and the apostle Peter. The first two topics are covered in Parts 1 and 2 of this 3 Part series.

Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in apologetics that may be completed entirely online or on the HBU campus in Houston. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/2Wlej6Z.

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