Eucharistic Movie Trailer is Out!

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

Eucharistic Miracles... the trailer is out! Angelo Libutti joins us.
The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a New York law requiring people to demonstrate a need to get a license to carry a gun in public.
Japan’s government said this week it spotted three Chinese warships “sailing an unusual route around the archipelago,” Provoking Strong Concern
Alexa head scientist Rohit Prasad unveiled the virtual assistant technology’s latest feature. Instead of Alexa’s so-called normal voice reciting the words of your favorite novel, now her voice can transform into that of a loved one who recently passed away.

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What’s Concerning Us – Catching up
Amazon Showcases Technology Transforming Alexa’s Voice Into Your Deceased Loved Ones’ Voice
Eyewitness details brutal 'blasphemy murder' of Nigerian Christian student

Guest Seg. Angelo Libutti – Eucharistic Miracles Film
The New Trailer is out?
When will the film be released?
How was the scourging scene filmed? Shroud of Turin?
The Crucifixion?
Walking on Water
The difficulties of time, budget, and locations
Filming an actual Eucharistic Miricle in Mexico

2nd Guest Seg. Dave Palmer – Back to the Father

What are you discussing on Back to the Father?
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