3 years ago

If, and I mean if, Biden wins the Presidency after every legal vote is counted, he will win with no mandate. We who oppose the replacement of our Constitutional Republic with some variant of One-Party Socialism will not stop fighting for our freedoms.

If today’s Democrat Party expects the American people to roll over and allow Chicago-style machine politics to become the new normal, we will give them a rude awakening. With increased numbers in the US House of Representatives, likely control over the Senate, and a Supreme Court majority, as well as with our ongoing civic activism and (if necessary) civil disobedience, we will hold the Federal government within its Constitutional limits.

Biden has no mandate to abandon our economic freedom to fight an illusionary climate change. He has no mandate to eclipse our personal liberty to fight the Pandemic. He has no mandate to replace equality under the law with racial preferences to fight a mythic institutional racism. Truly, if he indeed has won, the narrowness of his margin of victory confers no legitimate mandate of any kind.

We shall also remember the betrayal of the Press, Big-Tech, and Academia as objectivity was replaced by propaganda and censorship. These institutions are revealed as being morally bankrupt and a danger to our freedom of speech.

One election shadily and narrowly won confers no legitimacy to effect fundamental change. Instead, I believe, it has awakened a sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve.

Ralph K. Ginorio
12:00 noon, PST, Saturday, November 7, AD 2020

A High School Western Civilization and History Teacher, I am an "Out of the closet Conservative". There are three types of videos here, "Insight" ("INS"), "History" ("HIS"), and "Education" ("EDU").
"Insight" ("INS") videos, on the other hand, are not and have never been for "Mr. Ginorio's" current students. They express one citizen's fallible opinions about pursuing wisdom and rejecting folly in our shared moment of History. They are by an adult, for other adults.
"History" ("HIS") videos are intended for anyone, of any reasonable age, who is curious about one man's understanding of our heritage.
"Education" ("EDU") videos deal with my thoughts as a Teacher about schools and education.

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