Ralph K. Ginorio-138-Keep Right 12/10/21: Resetting Freedom for Utopia

2 years ago

Reality is not a mere social construct. It exists independently of our preferences and prejudices. I do not believe in conspiracy theories. The complexities of existence defy the ability of any human being to predict and control.

Americans traveled to and from the Moon from 1969 through 1972. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. The Bavarian Illuminati did not replace George Washington with Adam Weishaupt in his second Presidential term. Neither the Freemasons nor the Knights Templar have owned most world leaders for centuries. Elites who once met at the Bilderberg Hotel do not pull the strings of the global economy. The Trilateral Commission has not fused Communism and Freedom into a new global dictatorship. The Gnomes of Zurich do not direct global Banking. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion do not reveal a Jewish conspiracy to shape human history to its purposes.

Conspiracy theorists assert that cabals can make global and multigenerational plans, despite the fact that we do not really understand many of those things we depend upon. We use the electrical power grid without really understanding it; reacting moment-by-moment. The subtleties of Stock Markets require special training even to properly track. Despite the pretensions of Environmentalists, both climate and weather are matters of existential uncertainty.

21st Century human beings are not gods. Technology has not brought transcendence. We are all still fallible, finite mortals! Our efforts to imagine and create utopia have led nowhere but to Hell. All-powerful conspiracies make for great fiction but poor history.

My belief that such conspiracies can never succeed does not mean that there are not people right now striving to assert control over the rest of us.
Their siren song is always a variation on the theme that their brilliance can shield the rest of us from the uncertainties of adulthood. If only we entrusted them with total power, what a paradise they would make! Their dominion would mean a return to the joys of a carefree childlike existence.

Today, the World Economic Forum is leading the most dangerous public conspiracy within the Western world. George Soros’ association of the world’s apex plutocrats is engaged in what it calls, “The Great Reset”. This is no secret; they proudly publicly proclaim it.

By stripping the rest of us of our property rights, civil rights, and enfranchised national citizenship, they will save both human society and the environment.

Our enslavement will secure their utopia. We will be taken care of by our betters in a manner designed to maintain our lives without the vulgar excesses that, to them, so typifies today’s American lifestyle. Pick-up trucks, designer clothing, climate controlled homes, steak, and NASCAR will be eradicated.

Their assessment of our needs will determine our lot. Our chaotic self-will shall be bridled for their common good.

Go to their website, and study this “Great Reset” for yourself! Their benevolent control awaits. Beware of those who would set the world on fire if only they could rule the ashes.

In Maine and then Idaho, Ralph K. Ginorio has taught the history of Western Civilization to High School students for nearly a quarter century. He is an “out-of-the-closet” Conservative educator with experience in Special Education, Public Schools, and Charter Schools, Grades 6-12. He has lived in Coeur d’Alene since 2014. Email: rginorio@cdapress.com

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