上帝试验而不试探(warningthepeople)God Tests But Doesn't Tempt

2 years ago

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7lkAPcCF8Y&t=1s

2022年6月24日 warningthepeople

上帝会试验但不会试探。上帝不会试探任何人。他不会引起我们犯罪,或者是让我们进入试探当中。但他的确会试验我们,看我们是否忠诚。我想给你读一下上帝试验亚伯拉罕,这一段记录在希伯来书11章17~19节。亚伯拉罕被试验时凭信心把以撒献为祭物,承受应许的亚伯拉罕当时献上了自己的独生子。 论到这儿子,上帝曾说:“以撒生的才可算为你的后裔。” 他认定上帝能使死人复活,从象征意义上说,他也确实从死亡中得回了以撒。( 当代译本)



God Tests but Doesn’t Tempt
God doesn’t tempt anybody; He doesn’t cause us to sin or lead us into temptation. But He does test us to see if we are loyal. I want to read to you the test that God gave Abraham, and this is found in Hebrews chapter 11:17-19; “By faith Abraham, when he was TESTED, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said; “In Isaac your seed shall be called,” concluding that God was able to raise him up, EVEN FROM THE DEAD, from which he also received him in a figurative sense.” Abraham had true faith in God and when God put his faith to the test he passed! Will we pass the tests that God puts US through? Or will we faith our test? If we want to pass the test we have to be continually in payer, continually trusting God, living for Him with ALL of our heart, soul, mind and strength. Is Jesus FIRST on our mind and are we loyal to Him? Will we pass the test or will we faith? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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