Sunset of the Ottomans (Myth20c - Ep240)

2 years ago

From the 14th through the early 20th century, the Middle East consisted of a hybrid civilization composed of various tribes and peoples stretching from the Balkans down through the Arabian Peninsula under the auspices of the Ottoman Empire. To its promoters, Constantinople administered a multicultural society that balanced ethnic and religious differences into a harmonious whole. To its detractors, the Ottoman regime was a decadent, degenerate ruling class that lived above the poverty of its servants and relied upon an endless supply of slaves to feed its military and royal harems. In the end, economic and political weakness led to the empire’s unraveling, as nationalism in the wake of the first world war broke the back of the empire and led it to the carve up into the modern Turkish state and the surrounding nations.

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-- References --

Lawrence of Arabia, Lean (1962)
The Sultans, Barber (1973)
Age of Empires II, Microsoft (1999)
The Ottoman Endgame, McMeekin (2016)
The Fall of the Ottomans, Rogan (2016)
Useful Enemies, Malcolm (2019)
The Ottomans, Baer (2021)

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