Drinking Ayahuasca with Her Most Dangerous Allies (Toè, Chiric sanango, Uchu sananga)

2 years ago

Warning: The activities described in this video are dangerous. Do not do any of the thnigs described without professional supervision.

Ayahuasca has a tremendous capacity to change lives, treating both physical and psychological/emotional issues. Sometimes, however, ayahuasca needs assistance. In those situationa ayhuascas allies, or admixture plants, can be called upon to assist in various applications, from the ubiquitous practice of inhaling tobacco tea through the nose, to taking shots of raw garlic juice mid ceremony to treat epilepsy. Sometimes, the ally and admixture plants can be dangerous. Even deadly, as is in he case of chiric sanango (brunfelsia grandiflora), and Toè, aka floripondia, angel or devil's trumpet, (one of a number of brugmansia species, usually brugmansia suaveolens). So why take the chance?
If the shaman or facilitator knows what he or she is doing, the danger is very low. Special diets are observed to prepare the body to handle the toxicity. Healing issues that have remained untoucjhed by gentler attempts is another motivation. Primarily, these plants are used by traditional indigenous shaman for specific purposes, ie, to contact the dead, cleanse the energetic body.
I recently consumed several of tthese plants, along with sananga eye drops (sanaga drops are not dangerous) and I will offer my experience in this afternoon's livestream.

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#ayahuasca #Toè #brugmansia #sananga #chiricsananga #brunsfelsia #ayahuascaretreat #ayahuascaadmixtureplants #plantmedicine #shamanism #floripondia #ayahuascaceremonies #allyplants #shamanism

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