Global Aviation: Fit to Fly? Part 1

2 years ago

No one wants to talk about this. "We can't even get a response." Watch what is going on in the sky.

Aviation is ignoring risk introduced via COVID policies that were a way out of COVID but into abandoning aviation rules, regulations and people. Watch, learn and ask:

"Fit to fly?"

The aviation industry is ignoring the fact that it has introduced widespread medical risk into its personnel. In this programme, accomplished pilots and deeply experienced doctors listen to the medical advice that the Principal Medical Officer of Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Dr. Kate Manderson, gave to the pilots of one of Australia’s airlines.

In part 1, watch a glimpse of what they made of Dr. Manderson’s advice and ask yourself whether you think the industry is fit to fly.


- Dr. Kate Manderson, Principal Medical Officer, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Australia

- Graham Hood, former airline Captain, QANTAS

- Lt. Col. Theresa Long MD MPH, Aerospace Occupational Medicine Specialist, US Army Flight Surgeon

- Alan Dana, former airline Captain, Jetstar

- Lt. Col. Pete Chambers (ret’d), US Special Ops Green Beret Flight Surgeon, Purple Heart

- Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, independent US physician, President & CEO of Truth for Health Foundation

- Glen Waters, former airline Captain, Virgin Australia

The complete programme, Part 2 and 3 are all available on the GAACoalition Rumble channel. Go there to watch more.

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