MK Ultra, Trauma-based mind control, ProjectPaperclip, Illuminati, Extradimensional Cover up exposed

2 years ago
This is my music which has the sound of the sadness of all I've lived through but with facing it in courage for solutions.

I took on a whole interconnected order myself. starting in Atlanta and recruiting at electronic dance music parties, then seeming like a misfit order of Light. It was run by Allen Greenfield who set up these NWO dark lodge charters around the globe.
Just me vs. his whole army he's very proud of.
See him doing it here:

I've been surviving psychic/telepathic underworld harassment or coercion for a long time now.
Allen Greenfield was directly involved and consecrated by Michael Bertiaux and his cult. He received the 'hot points' from this Michael Bertiaux who essentially started one of the most major black lodge sorcery waves since the Satanic set up in California in the 60's.

The 'hot points' are of a matter of infernal entities which are one and the same as the masonic degrees and unholy qabbalah 'Cabal' magick.
They are initially given as 'healing empowerments' but you are getting goetia demons installed into your organic system directly.

It is under the guise of 'gnostic' but it is not. It's just cosmic horror feeding people to chaos, darkness, and sickness unfathomable times over.

Important: One of the main things Cancel Culture is even used for is sweeping these very facts and subjects!

My podcast going over so much of these subjects in-depth is here

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