CA Governor Signs Anti-2A Law Requiring Unworkable Microstamping Technology for New Guns, AB 2847

4 years ago

AB 2847

CA Governor Signs Anti-2A Law Requiring Proven Unworkable Microstamping Technology for New Guns AB 2847

The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, signed anti-2A Law AB 2847. This bill forces manufacturers to use microstamping technology in order for them to have their handguns placed on California's Roster of Handguns.

Here’s the kicker. Micro-stamping technology doesn’t even work. We know this because Maryland had their own version of this for 15 years that cost them 5 million dollars and was plagued by technical problems. It stopped literally 0 gun deaths and helped them solve a total of zero crimes.

300,000 shell casings, one from every handgun sold in the state since the law took effect in Maryland was sold then for scrap metal.

California has a list of about 700 guns, well, more like 500 because of a lot of duplicates, that the people of California are allowed to buy on the roster of Handguns.

So if you don’t have a lot of money and you find a gun that you can afford that is not on the roster of handguns, you can’t buy it.

These are the same people saying no one is trying to take your guns, but they’re literally banning handguns that do the exact same thing as the guns on the list.

Let them tell it’s because of safety, however, it’s their way of making it so expensive to make a gun that meets the requirements that gun companies won’t or can’t sell their gun there.

This is called back door gun control. It’s the equivalent of making property taxes so high that even if you’re home is paid off you still can’t afford to live in it so you’re forced to let go of the house and move.

To make matters worse, California is constantly changing the standards and taking guns off of this list. But now they’re taking it a step further and finding ways to take more guns off the list by requiring this microstamping.

Now for every one gun that has this microstamping technology and is added to the list, 3 guns without this technology will be taken off this list. This is all designed to accelerate the number of guns they take off the list.

Microstamping is using a laser to create a unique mark on the tip of a firing pin and on the breech face of a handgun. Theoretically, this serves as a sort of fingerprint that is left on the back of the shell casing of bullet for each gun. However here's the problem.

It could get innocent people locked up. It takes nothing for a criminal to go to a gun range pick up a few shell casings and then commit a crime with his gun and drop those shell casings at the scene of the crime and boom, now the police are knocking on your door because the microstamping on the shell casings at the scene of the crime was traced back to your gun.

A criminal will also just go to the gun range and shoot a bunch of rounds through his gun wearing down the micro stamp and then go commit the crime.

A criminal will also spend a dollar or two to buy some sandpaper and use it to disfigure the micro stamp rendering it useless.

This has nothing to do with saving lives, it’s about making gun ownership so expensive or tedious you won’t be able to do it and they can say, we don’t ban guns, they just couldn’t meet the requirements.

Gun Control is omnidirectional where they attack the 2nd amendment from all sides at the same time. Too many people are just looking at the front door of Gun Control while Gavin Newsom is trying to sneak in through the back.

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