Serge Bagdasarov - - Genocide Radio Room

2 years ago

Serge Bagdasarov - - Genocide (Serge share testimony how his mother saved his life from abortion in 1981 Soviet Russia - Serge's family fled as refugees from Azerbaijan to Moscow, Russia at seven years old - He witnessed genocidal atrocities in Azerbaijan and racism in Russia - He saw peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Christians in Armenia until evil people created divisive hatred into politics that led to genocide - Just as Obama created divisive hatred and is still doing so through Biden, there is an attempt of a communist coup to overthrow U.S. - Serge survived third stage cancer & brain surgery 20 years ago - He has family in Ukraine and Russia - iMiracleProject is taking medical, orphanage and practical aid to Ukraine - He also aids refugees to immigrate legally to America)
2022-06-28 (Radio Air Date)

World Ministries International
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