Assaulted By Court Officer Hammond. 0-💯. Filming From Sidewalk. Chief Ignores It And Calls Cops. BPD

4 years ago

I had just arrived in Boston on the train, I left North Station and headed towards City Hall Plaza. I noticed a Suffolk County Correctional Van pulling into the Edward Brooke Courthouse. So I turned my bodycam on and pulled to ths side to start filming. Little did I know, I would be assaulted and battered by court officer Jeff Hammond.

He immediately told be I Had to stop recording. I told him absolutely not in with in 15 seconds he was grabbing my camera in my phone. Thankfully I had my body Cam role in also. When he grabbed my phone in my hand it stopped my footage from recording. Because of the body Cam footage I was able to catch the assault on camera, clear as day.

Soon after the chief for the court officers came out and did the usual copslaining and pointing the finger at me as if I was the one that just broke the law. not how it should of been, I was the victim of an assault.

They eventually called the cops on me an after trying to trespass me from ths lubluc sidewalk. 2 cops showed up and could of cared less that I was assaulted. I truly appreciate all the comments and support!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!

Contact Information To Courthouse: Address

24 New Chardon Street, Edward W. Brooke Courthouse, Boston, MA 02114


(617) 788-8600


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