2 years ago

Schawb has warned society that we must prepare for an angrier world, that's a strange comment for anyone to make, never mind a leading globalist. He can confidently make such an outrageous claim because HE KNOWS, he knows, what is coming because future events have all been planned behind closed doors in secret meetings, with the most wealthiest, influential and EVIL people that have ever walked upon this earth.

An angrier world? how about APOCALYPTIC! that's the description that I would use, angry will resemble a drop of water in a bucket in comparison to what is about to befall the sons of men!!!! I don't enjoy or get any pleasure from issuing such dire warnings, but what can I do? There is no easy method of sounding out an Apocalyptic event, even though it will fall upon many deaf ears. We are on the verge of cataclysmic events of biblical proportions, famine, disease, drought and persecution.

Unbeknown to the majority of the western world, our way of life, culture, livelihood and possessions are all under threat through an unconstitutional process defined as replacement migration, which is the United Nations directive of flooding European countries with angry Islamic fundamentalists. Belgium, Germany, France, Sweden & UK have CHANGED dramatically as their culture and way of life is slowly erased by an influx of non integrating Muslims.

The plan to destroy the west from within using this migrant process is in full flow. So, how do you manage to flood the Christian west with intolerant Muslims, in order for the takeover process to begin?

The answer is you bomb and destabilise their country, and then invite them into a society that is alien and wholly detestable to their Islamic religious beliefs and way of life. This is how the Bolshevik globalists have managed to place millions of Muslims into traditional Christian countries, WHICH, ARE NOW LOSING THEIR IDENTITY, CULTURE AND TRADITIONS!

Islam is NOT here to integrate, Islam is here to TAKEOVER, western governments have been infiltrated at the highest levels, as I have been showing in previous videos. What you will see in this video will absolutely astonish those who are not aware that this is even happening, BUT IT IS!

I also reveal in this video the reason why the US government permitted historical statues to be destroyed, there is a reason why that happened. Please, please keep in mind as you watch this video, that Antifa and BLM are associated with Muslim brotherhood, and are financed by the state of Israel, and that it is also the Zionist state that are behind the genocidal Anti-white racial agenda. They want non whites and whites to mutually destroy each other, so they can sit back and watch the slaughter!

There is only ONE way out of this cesspool that we now live in, if you are unsaved I urge you to get a bible, the older the better, the modern day bibles have been altered. Pray, read and study the word of God, asking for wisdom, knowledge, discernment and understanding.

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