BKP talks about the Safe Communities Act

2 years ago

The gun legislation was a framework. Safe Communities Act

Sunday framework

Monday the senators agree with the framework, summaries

Tuesday 14 republican senators got on board, pass to get off floor for debate to move it vote, they have to hurry along because the abortion decision comes out any minute or more and before more Americans find out that nothing in it will change Uvalde. To alter your second amendment right. All they did was record a bill number. They voted to remove a summary page off the floor.

Wednesday - the legislative text appears. The media gets it before most of the republican senators and house members. It is 80 pages long.

Thursday morning. CBO scores it. The bill will cost 13.2 billion dollars, fully paid for.
Will have red flag laws, pulling juvenile records, mental health, nothing to prevent what happened in Uvalde.

The joke of the day the government had the nerve to say it pays for itself. When is the last thing you saw that it pays for itself?

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