Vernon Jones, (D-GA) Slams Democrat Bigotry at WalkAway Townhall

4 years ago

Megan Fox is in Washington D.C. at the WalkAway Women's Townhall event where she's talking to supporters of the movement to get the hell out of the Democrat mind-prison. The event was put together by Brandon Straka. Vernon Jones (D-GA) stops by to talk about the bigotry in the Democrat party.

Megan Fox is an award winning journalist, author and writer at PJ Media. Her books include "Believe Evidence; the Death of Due Process from Salome to #MeToo," "Shut Up! The Bizarre War that one Public Library Waged Against the First Amendment," and "To Be Men," an anthology by Superversive Press authors. Megan is an advocate for parents' rights and homeschooling. For interviews please contact

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