is allah God?

4 years ago

Name is very important, name reveals a person's identity, even in modern day name is very important. Almost everywhere you go and everything you do requires a name. God is very sensitive about His Name, so much so that He mentions in Ten commandment what His Name is and not to use that Name in vain. Many people think allah is the arabic word for God just is Dios is the word for God in Spanish and word Theos is the word for God in Greek. But that's not true. allah was the unique name of an idol in Arabia. When muslims invaded the middle eas, they forbade people to call anything and or anyone God except allah, that's their motto. That's how allah became the word for God in Arabic, even Turks in Turkey call God allah although they don't speak arabic.But was is the word for God in Arabic? The word for God in Arabic is Elah, it comes from the same root word as El or Elohim in Hebrew and Elahi in Aramaic since Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic are semitic languages. So allah is not the same God we Christians and Jews worship. The God of the Bible is unique, personal and revealed His Name to Moses and in the Person of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

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