Xendrius Channel U tube. The power behind the NWO is the Occult. Lucifer/Demons

2 years ago

Witchcraft/Sorcery, black white magic (same difference), Divination, Necromancy, and now seemingly everywhere Magicians with familiar spirits that perform supernatural wonders that deceive the unlearned bible ignorant unbelieving masses.

AI Artificial intelligence has already been heavily influenced by demonic entities (Fallen Angels) sons and daughters who roamed the earth as Giants prior to Noahs flood and thereafter. Are now demonic spirits that roam the earth and get up to all manners of evil. Who are assigned on every bit of earths landmass and their dark Lord is the prince of the power of the air. Lucifer.

Barack Hussein Obama is the body vessel for Lucifer.

These demon magicians do the unthinkable. (Supernatural) feats enabled by demonic beings. The demonic realm runs alongside our 5 senses realm. The veil that separates the two is being torn wide open.

The Metaverse and Augmented reality. I see a day where people will escape to the fully developed AR MV Meta and will sell there souls to the Devil in there and receive his mark.

The Metaverse and the supernatural demonic realm will merge.

Germanys Ipad magician is setting the stage. Technology (black mirrors) conduits, gateways to demonic realms. Manifesting at the conjurers will.

Do not be deceived and lose your soul. The AI AG revolution is coming folks.

Jesus Christ is the only way to Immortality and Life eternal.

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