Hermeneutics 101 - A Crash Course

2 years ago

Biblical Hermeneutics is a method or principle of interpreting God’s Word. This video presents Hermeneutics in a nutshell. How do we interpret the Bible and translate its truths into our own lives?

We can discover Bible truths and make sense of them. We can know what the Bible means - we can understand and apply it. 2 Timothy 2:15. This short course presents an overview of some helps to better understand the meaning of the Bible.

When we study the Bible, and try and grasp its meaning, we are separated by many potential “gaps”:
• A time gap (chronological)
• A space gap (geographical)
• A customs gap (cultural)
• A language gap (linguistic)
• A spiritual gap (supernatural)

As we approach Bible study it's good to think about:
The Author’s intent – What did it mean then?
Theological truth - What are the timeless truths taught?
Principles for today – contextualise - How does it apply to us?

We have need of spiritual preparation:
• Firstly, to be born again
• To have reverence for God and His Word
• To have a prayerful attitude and a willingness to obey
• To depend upon the Holy Spirit.

Qualifications of an Interpreter
• Faith (Hebrews 11:6)
• Love for the Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10)
• Honesty (Proverbs 23:23)
• Humility (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
• Common Sense
• Willingness to study (Acts 17:11)
• Spiritual Purity (Titus 1:13-16)
• Willingness to listen to God first (1 Sam. 15:1-25)

Read the Bible…
• Reverently
• Prayerfully
• Collectively
• Humbly
• Carefully
• Christologically
• Obediently
• Regularly

Look for the literal sense: When the plain sense of the scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense.

Principle 1 - The Bible is Without Error and is Our Only Trustworthy Guide for Faith and Life.
God’s inspired Word is without error. It is the final authority for what we should believe and how we should live.

The Scriptures are:
• Inerrant – Psalm 19:7; John 10:35
• Authoritative –1 Thessalonians 2:13
• Powerful – Hebrews 4:12
• Sufficient – 2 Timothy 3:17.

We uphold the supremacy of Scripture over tradition (Matthew 15:3-6), human philosophy (Colossians 2:8), human reason (Proverbs 14:12), and so-called “knowledge” (1 Timothy 6:20).

Principle 2 - The Bible is Its Own Best Interpreter.
Since the Bible has only one primary Author (the Holy Spirit), each part is consistent with every other part. We use the cross reference principle: Scripture interprets scripture.

Context is king. Check the immediate context, the historical context, and the scriptural context. It's important to use clear passages to interpret the less clear.

Principle 3 - The Entire Bible is Centred around Jesus Christ.
Christ is the heart and centre of the entire Bible.

Principle 4 - The Message of the Bible is Redemptive.
Justification by grace through faith in Christ is the main subject of all true biblical and Christian theology.

Principle 5 - The Message of the Bible is Progressive.
It has an unfolding from Old Testament to New, and then the epistles. There is a harmony of scripture - all scripture is in agreement and will not contradict itself.

Principle 6 - The Message of the Bible is Historical.
The Bible describes what really happened to real people who lived in real places at specific times in history. It's good to be mindful of these historical aspects.

Principle 7 - The Message of the Bible is Understandable.
God’s highest wisdom and deepest truths can be learned and understood by the simplest believer who studies it prayerfully under the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Principle 8 - Some Biblical Truths are Beyond Our Understanding.
There are some things in the Bible which we accept simply by faith. God’s ways will always be higher than our ways and His thoughts will be higher than our thoughts. We should never limit God or His ways to our own understanding.

Principle 9 - The Message of the Bible is Life-Changing.
The Bible was not given primarily to inform us but to transform us. We must study in order to learn, and learn in order to live! It’s practical… we apply it to our own lives!

Principle 10 - The Message of the Bible is Personal.
Though the Bible reveals to us eternal truths about an infinite God and His work of creation and redemption, it also speaks to us personally. The Bible is God’s message to YOU.

Note: These notes were gathered and compiled from various sources.

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