Friday Comedy with Andrew Bartzis and Monty Dean #23

4 years ago

Friday Comedy with Andrew Bartzis and Monty Dean.
Streamed on 20/2/2021 on the Galactic Historian channel.

Join ‘Friday #Comedy with Bartzis and Dean’,… Your Roasters: #AndrewBartzis and #MontyDean, where anything is up for grabs, slams, roasts, and offense, a.w.a. an occasional #MindExpanding topic!

Guest: Bruce MacDonald.

Connect, Like, Follow and Share the learning with 1000’s of others!
Facebook: Andrew Bartzis @GalacticHistorian
Instagram: @andrewbartzisgh
YouTube: Galactic Historian

Connect with Monty Dean at:
Revolution Radio on Facebook: @freedomslips

Thank you for joining in this work, which is about you and your life!

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