Chicago Shoplifter Gets Turned Into A Pretzel By Jiu-Jitsu Instructor Until The Police Arrive

2 years ago

Chicago Shoplifter Gets Turned Into A Pretzel By Jiu-Jitsu Instructor Until The Police Arrive [VIDEO]

Red Voice Media Published June 22, 2022

News and Commentary
He assaulted a 7-11 employee, so I jumped in and took him to the ground and did a gift wrap..."

By Zach Heilman
June 22, 2022

In an effort to defeat former President Donald Trump at any cost, the Democrats surprisingly supported the Black Lives Matter movement and their push to defund police all over the country. Blaming the aggressive behavior seen in police, the movement gathered a massive following. But now that it has been a few years, that narrative, promoted by the Democrats, has led to crime and violence to surge in America. And when looking at Democratic strongholds like Chicago, crime has become such a nightly routine that it appears citizens are now taking matters into their own hands.

In the video, which can be watched below, Idriz Redzovic wanted nothing more than to grab a few items at the local 7/11 and be on his way. That didn’t happen as he witnessed Christopher Cruz assault one of the gas station’s employees. What happened next stunned Cruz as he had no idea that Redzovic was no normal person as he was a 3rd-degree black belt in jiu-jitsu. And if that wasn’t enough, the martial artist was also an instructor at the Supreme Jiu-Jitsu Chicago.

Although the criminal tried several times to get free, Redzovic made easy work of Cruz, not once appearing to be worried for his safety. And for those wondering, he contained Cruz for over 13 minutes until police were able to arrive. What made the altercation even more bizarre was how a car alarm could be heard in the background before Redzovic casually repositioned himself and turned it off.

According to a Chicago Police Department spokesperson, this wasn’t Cruz’s first time in the store that day. He apparently shoplifted a few items and returned later for more. That was when an employee asked him to leave, leading to the confrontation with Redzovic. “The offender took a fighting stance, at which time the employee informed the offender that if he did not leave, the police would be called. The offender then punched the employee/victim, and a witness detained the offender until police arrived.”

For those wondering how it was caught on camera, on top of taking control of the situation and turning his car alarm off, Redzovic also remembered to take his phone out and record the entire ordeal. Cruz thrashed and cursed the instructor before eventually giving up and asking for a cigarette.

Users online praised Redzovic, writing, “Great job, man! Terrible job by the cops. Very unprofessional and poor communication skills. The cop said they got there in less than a minute. Yeah, sure, buddy!”

Another person noted, “what can I say? The gift wrap hold is amazing. It’s a good way to control someone in a fight. I hope the guy gets the help he needs before it’s too late and gets hurt.”

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