East EagleEyes' Bombshell Debut: Velarium—The Song of Doomsday Prophecy/"東方鷹眼"重磅首發:天幕——末世預言之歌

2 years ago

About the Song, Singer and Band/關於歌曲、歌手和樂隊

The great pandemic raging around the entire globe since early 2020, and perhaps greater catas-trophe to follow, were literally foreseen by East EagleEyes, a genius Chinese Rock ’n Roll singer as early as 2013. 自2020年初肆虐地球的這場大瘟疫,接下來或許發生的更大劫難,其實早在2013年便被一位天才般的中國搖滾歌手“東方鷹眼”所預言。

In that year, inspired by God and full of awe, solemnity, sense of mission and facing uncertain risks, the young musician wrote Velarium—The Song of Doomsday Prophecy. The song sounds startlingly thought-provoking, prophetic and like a bugle call. The end product took 5 years to come into being, including the MV with bilingual captions. 那一年,在神的啟示下,這位年輕的音樂家滿懷敬畏、肅穆和使命感,冒著無法言說的風險,寫下了這首石破天驚、猶如預言與號角般的《天幕——末世預言之歌》。作品最終歷時5年方告完成,包括雙語字幕MV。

As one of the most talented R’n’R singers, East EagleEyes participated in numerous important musical events and won lots of honors. Although essentially characterized as heavy metal, his music reveals a much broader view and deeper insight. He is most likely the one and only such maverick in the pan-Chinese music world. 作為最有才華的搖滾歌手之一,“東方鷹眼”染指諸多重要音樂活動,斬獲多項桂冠和榮譽。其音樂極具重金屬風格,卻顯露出更恢弘的格局和更深邃的意蘊。在泛華語樂壇,他這樣的獨行俠極可能絕無僅有。

East EagleEyes’ distinctions are not only being a devoted Christian, rarely seen in today’s China, but also his certain transcendent aptitudes which, according to him, have contributed to the envi-ronment he’s been imbuing since childhood. Full of devotion to the Lord, he’s been perusing The Bible, Christian culture, and meditating. This inspired him in music, life and his vision of the whole world.“東方鷹眼”的卓爾不群,不僅在於他是當今中國罕見的虔誠的基督徒音樂家,還在於他潛藏的某種超驗特質。按他本人的解釋,這得益於他從孩提時代就受環境浸染,滿懷對主的熱誠,熟撚《聖經》和基督教文化,勤於冥思。這使得他不斷獲得啟示——關於音樂、人生和整個世界觀。

A first-rate musician should be a thinker in the first place. The connotation of the song goes far beyond the lyrics and melody themselves. As a matter of fact, East EagleEyes boasts a nickname, “R’n’R Missionary.” Well, comparing the lyrics he wrote years ago and a world plagued with all sorts of devils from which we’ve been witnessing and suffering in recent years, all of a sudden, we have the revelation, just like beholding the sun after the grey clouds have dispersed. 一流的音樂人,首先必須是思想者。這首歌的內在含義,遠遠超越了歌詞和旋律本身。事實上,“東方鷹眼”還享有一個雅號:“搖滾傳教士”。確實,將他多年前寫下的一句句歌詞,和近年來我們在這個魑魅魍魎肆虐橫行的世界所目睹和承受的一切兩相對照,不禁有撥雲見日茅塞頓開之感。

In these darkest days, may God bless you and all mankind. 在這最暗黑的日子,願上帝保佑你及整個人類。

Due to certain reasons, their firm negative attitude toward flashy commercialization, actual “titty-tainment trap,” for example, these musicians basically have been in a “dormant” status. Public performances have become more and more difficult, however, his devotion to God and Jesus, his love of the world and his passion for music, have never ceased. 由於某些原因——比如對浮華的、實為“奶頭樂陷阱”的商業化極為消極,這群音樂人基本處於“沉寂”狀態。公開演出變得愈發困難,但他們對主和耶穌的虔誠、對世界的摯愛、對音樂的執著從未停歇。

Honored to be exclusively authorized, we’ve officially released this passionate and enlightening song. More awesome works will be released subsequently. Stay tuned! 榮幸獲其獨家授權,我們將這首極具震撼力的作品正式發佈。更多精彩作品將被陸續發佈。敬請關注!

Never let those who sent firewood to others freeze to death. To encourage and patronize these ar-tists with conscience and guts to create more powerful works to awaken and inspire what in the elites’ eyes are—“the deplorables,” your tips, subscriptions and sharing with others will be appreci-ated. For creators, these encouragements in this dire moment can be tantamount to coals on a snowy day. 為眾人抱薪者,不可使其凍斃於風雪。為了鼓勵和支持這些有擔當和勇氣的藝術家創作出更多有力量的作品喚醒和鼓舞勞苦大眾——精英眼中的“廢物”,對您的打賞、訂閱以及分享深表謝意。值此嚴峻時刻,對於創作者而言,這些鼓勵無異於雪中送炭。

Tipping Accts/打賞帳號: Zelle®/Google Pay/Paypal: cuppc2011@gmail.com
Cryptos/加密貨幣: Paypal (cuppc2011@gmail.com)
Scan the QR codes in the end of the video ((for Paypal, Google Pay, Alipay & Wechat Tips/Transfer)./視頻末掃碼(適用於貝寶、穀歌支付、支付寶、微信打賞及轉帳)

About CUPPC CULTURE/關於卡普卡文化
A habitat and booster of multifaceted, valuable cultures, CUPPC CULTURE is based in the U.S. and dedicated to promoting music, literature, languages, films, fine arts and beyond. You're wel-come to join us. 一個多元價值文化棲息地和助推器,卡普卡文化立足美國,致力於傳播音樂、文學、語言、電影、美術等。歡迎加盟: cuppc2011@gmail.com

Copyright Statement/版權聲明
All rights to this song have been reserved. The footages used as the backdrop of the music video are from unidentified online sources. To the producers of those fantastic works, we must show our great respect. If there are copyright concerns, please contact us. 本歌曲的所有權歸著作權人所有。本音樂視頻的背景素材來自無法確定來源的網路。對這些不同凡響的作品的製作者,我們必須報以極大的敬意。如有版權問題,請和我們聯繫。

Copywriting/Translating/Promotion CUPPC Culture
文案/翻譯/推廣 CUPPC Culture/卡普卡文化
June 20, 2022

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