Energy & Life Updates, Challenges, & Speaking My Truth

4 years ago

9/12/20 - So there has been a lot going on the last few weeks to a month, and the energies are very interesting. These are the things I have been noticing both with strangers and my own family. Being able to speak your own truth whatever it may be is very powerful and cathartic, and is what we all need to do no matter how others may view it or get triggered by it.

Take my recent situation for example, and the need to explain and clear up unneeded confusion from a family member sharing their truth. Sometimes, there is more to speaking our truth then meets the eye, and sometimes others opposing views are what we need to help us wake up from our ego centers and face the realities that we have built around ourselves to cushion us from the unpleasantries that life often throws at us.

When we get triggered by others views of our situation and how they see it, not as we see it, take a moment to step back and see if your own view of it is somehow skewed in one direction and see if you can rise above the feelings of being personally attacked and get out of the ego center to see the situation from the other person's side.

By doing so, you might just learn some new and powerful things that can help you to advance your own life and see how you might have been getting in your own way of advancement and spiritual enlightenment to attain a more pure love, bliss, and unity embodiment while here on this earth plane of dualities and separation.

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