Indian Lady Treasurer; More Pot Callers (Wed. 6-22-22)

2 years ago

Biden picks an American Indian female for treasurer. Sleepy Joe's economy stinks (Russia's ok?!). Callers debate pot legalization.
0:00:00 Wed, Jun 22, 2022
0:01:32 Hey, guys! JLP tee: Never tell a woman
0:05:13 DENNY, BULGARIA: Ukrainian refugees ok!
0:08:19 Supers: Trump cherishes women
0:10:16 Hake teeth update: No ibuprofen 24-hours!
0:14:31 Marilynn Malerba, American Indian US Treasurer
0:29:13 Russian Rubles up 35-percent in 2022!
0:34:36 Biden begging Saudis amid gas price crisis
0:41:39 Super: Harassment IG ban; oil pulling
0:44:51 Cigarettes vs. FDA
0:55:27 SHANE, CANADA: Cigs vs. Pot
1:03:24 "In the Union of Wine" - The Hidden Cameras
1:07:00 Reading chat: Music, tobacco, pot, Fahrenheit
1:10:37 DAVID, NORWAY: Legalize pot!
1:23:35 Uvalde finger-pointing
1:29:52 WILLIAM, CA: Crime up after pot(?)
1:38:34 BRENT, SC: Drug war a failure!
1:48:44 Bill Cosby, Deshaun Watson MeToo'd
1:54:13 Antifa terrorist (black)
1:56:38 "Periscope" - Audionautix

The Hake Report, Wednesday, June 21, 2022 AD: Hake's JLP T-shirt: Never Tell a Woman Your Problems // Marilynn Malerba, SJW Obama supporter and first American Indian woman selected to be U.S. treasurer, to work with Janet Yellen! // Biden's begging Saudis and RINOs to help him out of his gas price crisis. // Cigarettes vs. Pot and the FDA — CALLERS DEBATE! (SEE BELOW) // Various headlines: Bill Cosby was "successfully" sued by, like, a 63-year-old female Judy Huth for supposed "assault" when she was 16 in 1975! // Yay, a black Antifa terrorist Malik Fard Muhammad was sentenced! //

MUSIC: "In the Union of Wine" - The Hidden Cameras - Mississauga Goddam (2003, Rough Trade) // "Periscope" - Audionautix - YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

Denny from Bulgaria again praises the Ukrainian refugees who assimilate, as opposed to others! //
Shane from Newfoundland, Canada points out the contrast in how pot and cigarettes are treated. //
David from Norway seeks to change Hake's mind on pot legalization. //
William from California claims crime's gone up in states that legalized pot. //
Brent from South Carolina says nonviolent pot smokers are rotting in jail while gangs thrive! //


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