Dignity: Judgment and sayings

2 years ago

Man does not inherit dignity or humiliation, but rather creates it himself. Man equals dignity, and dignity requires freedom. Man equals freedom.

Dignity is not having feats, but deserving them.

Human dignity is organically linked to the human mind. If the mind is gone, dignity will go with it.

The human being is the only being to whom we can assign an absolute value, which is dignity.

What is sacred in a democratic system are values, not mechanisms. What must be respected absolutely and without any compromise is the dignity of human beings, women, men and children, regardless of their beliefs, skin color or numerical importance.

You can pay for power, but you will never buy dignity.

The dignity of the body melts if the honor of the country is violated. Depriving a child of his dignity justifies the act of ugly things.

The greatest dignity is the need for integrity.

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