The Rise of the Antichrist: The END is near! Who is he???

2 years ago

#Riseoftheantichrist #antichrist #rapture #raptureisclosernow
Soon, millions of people will disappear. Those left behind will be horrified, and the leaders left behind will be scrambling for answers. Imagine what those answers are going to look like. Our government has recently investigated and apparently confirmed that UFO’s are real. No Joke. When millions of people vanish, a mass Alien abduction may be their answer. My prayer is that you aren’t here when this happens. But I record this knowing that this video will probably get more hits after the Rapture than before. The chaos created by the disappearances will shake people to their core. Many will remember that preacher they shrugged off, or the loved ones they thought were kooky holy rollers not to be taken seriously. A sick feeling in the pit of their stomach will let them know the truth, a day late and a dollar short as the old saying goes. Then what? First of all, know that things are going to go down hill fast. A leader will emerge. He will probably be very popular.

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