A New Era Birthed through Challenge and Struggle | The Astrology of 2020

4 years ago

One of the most established and enduring principles of astrological practice is the idea of angularity. Right now with the Full Moon in Aries we just had being angular to Mars and Saturn, and all of the activity we've had in the cardinal signs in the second half of this year, we can say 2020 has been a year of cardinal intensity or cardinal dynamism. Whatever we want to call it, we have a New Moon coming up in Libra that is going to extend this dynamic period. Think about this period as an initiation.

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Tarot Decks:
Le Tarot de Marseille (Fournier): https://www.amazon.com/Fournier-Le-Tarot-De-Marseille/dp/B005N6S9OA
Tarot of Marseille (Lo Scarabeo): https://www.amazon.com/Tarot-Marseille-Lo-Scarabeo-Decks/dp/0738700118
The Medieval Scapini Tarot: https://www.amazon.com/Medieval-Scapini-Tarot-Premier/dp/1572815078

Playing Cards:
Bicycle Standard Playing Cards: https://www.amazon.com/Bicycle-Standard-Playing-2-Pack-Colors/dp/B00001QHVP

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#astrology #Initiation #2020

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