Does He Want A Serious Relationship With You? Watch for these 7 "Wants"!

4 years ago

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He Does These 7 Things If He Wants A Serious Relationship With You
By: Carlos Cavallo

What does a man want? Even more important: Do you know what he wants in a serious relationship with you?

Men are truly not that complicated.

When it comes to our needs in a relationship, we don't have a whole lot that you need to worry about.

But you do have to be sure that you're not trying to give him what YOU want - instead of what HE wants.

It's one of the most common mistakes people make. They tend to give other people what it is they themselves are looking for instead of what the other person really wants.

Men don't want exactly the same thing you do, or even at the same time. A lot of it overlaps, but you have to know how men think - and when they think it.

Some of the advice you've probably heard that men want:

Get to his heart through his stomach - cook for him

Satisfy him in the bedroom like no one else

Be a difficult bitch with him

Be nice to him and never ask for anything

The problem with this kind of advice is that there are small bits of Truth in them. The unfortunate part is that it's not explained so you're going to make a ton of mistakes trying to apply it.

Let’s jump into what men want in a serious relationship…

WANT #1: Safety First!
One of the most misunderstood needs men have is safety.

It's not physical safety he needs, it's emotional safety.

Men understand that they are not as well equipped for handling their emotions. They know that they don't have the same kind of emotional IQ that a woman does.

Women are better at relationships, while men are better at rising to the challenge and chasing/hunting you.

But he does understand it's at a very Primal level that he needs a woman that will keep him in a safe bubble for him to express and show his feelings. This requires you to be stronger and smarter as a woman.

How do you make a man feel safe?

Well it just so happens that I created a program to help women do this called The Connection Code. Because it takes a lot of understanding how men work to know how to do this right.

But briefly, the way you make him feel safe is to make sure he never feels like he's going to be insulted or shamed or put down by you for expressing any emotion.
Men grow up knowing that if they express emotions in front of another man who is not himself a mature and balanced person, he will probably be ridiculed. Possibly even BEATEN UP! (Women don't typically ever experience this.)

This feels horrible to a man, probably the worst thing he can experience.

If he's even suspects that you will react this way - negatively, you will never get him to connect with you.
He will simply use you for physical intimacy and move on to the woman who does show him safety.

One of the best ways to explain this is to give you an example of when he doesn't feel safe:


A man needs to know he's going to be heard by you when he talks about his feelings or the difficult things he's experiencing.

Unfortunately, what many women do is to ruin this sense of safety when he's talking about his feelings. Very often she will not hear him out completely. She will also typically interrupt him to move him forward in the conversation faster.

She gets impatient when he's taking so long to explain himself, so she jumps in and tries to get there first. What this does is it feels like a disconnect - and he shuts down.

There is a pretty good chance you've experienced this in a relationship with a guy, especially in conversation.

Unfortunately, you may not have noticed when it happened. But I can tell you he sure noticed. And he went on guard and made a decision to be very careful about doing that ever again with you.

Of course you would have fixed this in the moment, but you probably didn't know what happened. This is why it's so important to understand how men connect.

You see the problem is that if you don't catch this and fix it, it's -

For the rest - Watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Does He Want A Serious Relationship With You?

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