September 2020 TacPack Unboxing CRKT Knife Warmachin Punch Set Black Rifle Coffee Rifle Things Shirt

4 years ago

September 2020 TacPack Unboxing CRKT Knife Warmachin Hammer & Punch Pin Set Black Rifle Coffee Rifle Things Shirt. Shout out to Video Addict. Glock Box 2.0 T-Shirt from TacPack review. Best knife for a bug out bag. How to skin a cat. Best EDC Knife. Best hunting knife. Best game cleaning knife. Best hammer and pin punch kit for building AR's AR-15's AR15s Best monthly subscription box for AR owners. #aliensstolemyhair

CRKT Drop Point Minimalist With G10 Handle - $28

Warmachin Hammer & Pin Punch Set - $25

Rifle Things T-Shirt - $10?

Black Rifle Coffee Company Steep Bag - $1.50 each? OUCH!!! Bunch of grifters tugging on your Patriotic heart strings to steal your money. I'm UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS INFANTRY BITCH come at me!!! Better to get Folgers.

Mac 10 Mac Attack Air Freshener...

Best monthly subscription box for preppers and people that want to build AR-15's or the Biden AR-47 (I think). #tacpack #trump2020

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