SHAWN BAKER 4 | 3 year follow-up Colonoscopy: All CLEAR!!

2 years ago
presents episode 485 | Dr Shawn Baker podcast

I refused all chemo, but my oncologist
still agreed to monitor progress
-labs every 3 months, then
-imaging every 3 months
-labs always came back great,
steadily improved:
~liver enzymes & ferritin
-just had a new DNA colon cancer test:
~nothing was detected

In the original RGCC test, which showed
circulating tumor cells
-my goal was to improve me immune
system so these don't develop cancer
somewhere else"
"Seeds have left the ship...having positive
lymph nodes"
-have done other therapies:
~sauna, grounding, exercise
"You have to stay on top of cancer consistently"

Oncologist has moved monitoring to annual
-no argument, nothing showing in labs
-have gained some healthy weight
-no cachexia (chronic weight, muscle loss)
-had colonoscopy last year: all clear!

Question: What has the oncologist said
about your diet having this positive effect?
-no comment
My oncologist visits are my favorite and
least favorite...
-I walk away with good news
"But, I see the other patients and want to
share with them what I have found to be so effective"

Question: Any other benefits to your
eating a carnivore diet?
-clear headed
-at 47,
~don't have any perimenopause symptoms
People message me all the time:
"Help me...what are you doing here, what do you recommend for this?"


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This video’s content is for informational purposes only and
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