The Super MAGA Gay YMCA Erection Combo Special!

4 years ago

The #Qiew's Super #MAGA Gay #YMCA Erection Special is Fabulousness on Steroids! We begin with a Bang with Ricky & the Village Women doing M-A-G-A and while you are still warmed up, our resident Sister of Perpetual Indulgence, Sister Mary-Jane will Erect your Flag with Sean Hannity's list of President Trump's Achievements. We Change gears with a Message from the Gays of America from the Deep South & then Peter Boykin, Founder of Gays For Trump explodes the "5 Myths about the Trump LGBT Rights" from the Log Cabin Republicans. In Our next to last Final Message Sister Mary-Jane cleans you up on the subject of Keep Calm, Carry on for a Trump Landslide & Don't Feed the Trolls aka Paid Disruptors. We conclude, climax if you like with a Spanish Sing a Long from Latinos for Trump!

Don't forget to Vote and Vote Early and Make sure you Vote in Person to make it Count. We know there are many local Gays for Trump groups that will be out holding signs on Election Day so if you are not Volunteering to Observe the Count then Get you Gay on and Get involved.

We're all Volunteers here at The Qiew so please show us some Love by Liking, Sharing & Subscribing. Go to to subscribe & see the list of lovely places where you can see our Lovely Special Podcast.

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